Map as an illustration
Will follow soon
What we are known for is an attitude, not a specific mode of operation. We pair engagement with a sound vision. Being present matched with a critical stance towards the way challenges are pictured and approached. ‘Making things work’ as a motto. Committed to assist in the transitions required to make outcomes sustainable and inclusive.
Beyond ‘design thinking’ we see ‘art thinking’ as the way forward. We call it artification. What are the aesthetics of the representations of matters of concern we work with? What is the theatre of engaging in a challenge? Art provides both for modes of exploration and modes of making that are valuable additions to what we are used to.
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We not only trigger fresh new approaches based on alternative representations of matter of concern, we realize that outcomes need to be sustained. That requires transformations in the way institutions of all kind value outcomes and carry them forward. Our frontline position and our insights in especially public management helps us design the good governance of the required transformations.
Some examples here.
Our vision is based on the inevitability of developing a new relationship with the space we are given. No moral but a very pragmatic stance gives us a workable scenario for that.
More about that here.
Risk profiles of cities are rapidly changing and will gain volatility. This requires a management of risks that goes beyond current concepts in safety and security management. Investing in resilience through actively involving citizens in urban risk management is necessary.
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Extensive experience with education helps us design effective links between learning and engaging in challenges. Challenge driven education is our focus, effectively embedded in a sound curriculum.
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Engaging in urban challenges generates new opportunities for entrepreneurs and requires entrepreneurship to be developed in education. We have an eye for opportunities and what is needed to seize upon them. We develop challenge driven educational programs aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills that fit the brief of new circular and sustainable business cases.
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An urban situation is developing in which citizens actively participate in engaging in challenges. These challenges are such that traditional, government based approaches do not suffice. Co-creating, partnerships, networks, communities, these are concepts that need to show practical value. We design approaches that help generate that value.
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We are not what comes first. Is it that learning by doing is crucial? Or is it pragmatism and do we simply need the input of students and their teachers to effectively engage in urban challenges? Whatever the case, we believe in challenge driven education and know how to design education to fit the challenge and design the challenge to fit education.
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We have a long track record of developing games for learning. From simulations and role play to exploratory improvisations and performances, we use them. Also to learn to work with outcomes of design projects. We use technology when that is helpful.
This is an example.
Roaming around with a sharp sense of what matters is what helps us to make sense of things. Foraging, gathering material for stories that matter and the space to tell them, is how our design process often starts.
Foraging in Mumbai is a good example.
Not just playing a game serves realizing learning goals, making a game does too. It requires dissecting matters of concern in alternative ways. Gamification is an important part of our package, based on extensive experience in game based learning and designing.
Look at a clip.
Using art as a means of developing inspiring representations of matters of concern also brings alternative ways of explorations with it. Picturing goings on within neighbourhood communities as a play for instance requires a specific way of exploring.
A project with a football club provides for a nice example.
We make documentaries, draw maps, write scenario’s for plays, compose music. All this to not only show alternatives of dominant stories, but also as a way to explore matters of concern in alternative ways.
An example here.
Using art in clarifying urban matters of concern is what we are good at. We call that artification. With it comes a mode of exploration and new interventions in the way to go about matters of concern.
Click here for an example.
Crucial element in dealing properly with the urban situation is the management of the risks that come with being together in the tight space a city is. Associated with our public enterprise management model is a tool used to profile urban areas focussing on risks and the means to go about them.
Play around with this tool.
We work extensively with urban design labs. Our strongpoint is creating the space for diverse groups of people to experiment with new representations of matters of concern and ways to engage in challenges. We create opportunities for educational and academic institutions to participate.
More on this here.
We work extensively with urban design labs. Our strongpoint is creating the space for diverse groups of people to experiment with new representations of matters of concern and ways to engage in challenges. We create opportunities for educational and academic institutions to participate.
More on this here.
We believe in challenge driven education. Learning through engaging in real life matters of concern requires a fitting curriculum. We developed the concept of a nodal curriculum in which engaging in challenges alternates with the focus on learning about tools, concepts, theories.
More on this here
Designing for governance means designing to deal with matters that concern us all and doing so collectively. In order to get going matters of concern need to be described in new ways, appealing not just to policy makers, administrators, politicians. We are good at communicating complex challenges in inclusive and inspiring ways.
Have a look at an example.
We aim at inclusivity and sustainability in the process of making things that work. Our designing means putting this rather obvious statement into practice. Part of the package are procedures we create together with stakeholders.
A few examples can be found here.
Active citizenship and engaging in urban challenges. New ways in dealing with matters that concern us all and transitions in how public institutions choose positions in a network and partnership oriented governance. New chances for the private sector in engaging in urban challenges.
Sustaining the outcome of designing, experimenting, testing, developing requires giving attention to the development of qualities in using these outcomes. Training and coaching are part of the package we offer, as is following up on issues that arise along the way.
We do not just provide for tools but we use them ourselves to make the ideas practical. We have a focus on learning and educating. With the designs that are the result of working with people comes a curriculum in which learning tracks are provided. Through PEMMobile outcomes are translated in qualities needed in a public enterprise.
We do not just provide for tools but we use them ourselves to make the ideas practical. We have a focus on learning and educating. With the designs that are the result of working with people comes a curriculum in which learning tracks are provided. Through PEMMobile outcomes are translated in qualities needed in a public enterprise.
Who we are shows in what we made.
A few examples of tools we made and use in our projects.
While, at times, we ask academic researchers to provide us with numbers through time we have expanded our ways and means in urban explorations. Main motive is that by zooming in on communities, people’s stories, on what actually matters classic research is not enough and a distinction between object and subject stands in the way of the required engagement.
We believe that urban challenges require new modes of engagement. These new modes lay claim on public institutions and the private sector alike. Transitions needed are part of the design process. We provide for tools to make these transitions doable and learnable.
Play with one of these tools.