“I Am Alfred” An Exercise in Mapping, and Designing Suitable Scenarios


How to go about mapping a set of stories as in ‘I Am Alfred’? At the end of all this there is an example, taking a small piece of daily life practice as a starting point.
First step in the mapping is shown as a sketch of the people involved. Then we add those who we think might be linked to each of those involved. With the sketch we use the pieces to play with to focus on roles, stages and passages and add them to the map; colouring in the sketch. Finally we try and project scenarios within the map, permitting ourselves to change the map

Signs and symbols

As with all maps, in this case we also work with and signs and symbols. Reducing what we see to an overview that invites ourselves and others to work with is what this is all about. And aiding our navigation in the challenges ahead.
With that in mind a set of ‘pieces to play with’ were proposed. These we now give visual representations.

• Us ————————–
• Them ———————-
• Storyteller —————-
• Listener ——————-
• Participant —————
• Opponent —————- 

Stages to play
• Personal spac————-
• Social sphere ————-
• Public domain ————
• Earth matters ————-

• In search of of collaborators ————
• Making things things public ————
• ‘I learned to to walk on the beach’ ——